We're back!

After much downtime with this site, partly due to Covid slowing everything down in general, cjlightworks.com is finally back online and with the new re-design!  Everything on the site has been updated and expanded.  New client gallery search has been added.  Most services are now listed.  Payment page has more options.  The front page looks a lot cleaner.  Navigation on the site is now also a lot smoother.

Much of the work is finished.  A few parts may be tweaked here and there, but nothing major should change until the next re-design, hopefully years down the road.

This section empty...

Instead of migrating the former site, a decision was made to start anew.  A fresh start.  It does leave this section (Community Galleries) a bit empty, but more will be added.

The Community Gallery is a location where I will post any of my volunteer work as well as photo galleries from personal photographs which I may take.

Related Photos
Screen captured image of the services page of this website